
シアターギルド 代官山ラーメン・ドキュメンタリー『またいらっしゃい』DVD/Blu-ray/配信の発売記念リリース・パーティーを11月10日(日)に開催!





Please note that due to a scheduling conflict, Mr. and Mrs.Ueda from Bizentei will unfortunately no longer be able toattend. However, the party will proceed as planned.
Additionally, the complimentary chashu pork, ramen eggs,and menma that Mr. Ueda was going to offer will instead be provided by ramen shop Tsuji. We sincerely apologize to anyone who was looking forward to meeting the Uedas and enjoying the dishes prepared by Mr. Ueda. If you have already purchased a ticket for the party and would like tocancel and receive a refund, please contact us at (





大人 ¥2,210 : 1ドリンク付
小学生・中学生・高校生 ¥1,410 : 1ドリンク付
小学校入学前の乳幼児 無料



たくさんの方々のご協力によって出来上がった『またいらっしゃい』を、特典映像付きの「Deluxe Edition」としてDVD、Blu-ray、配信にて日本で発売することができ、本当にうれしいです。

東京都千代田区にあるびぜん亭では人懐っこい大将の植田正基が、昔懐かしいラーメンを40年以上作り続けている。独学の植田が開業に至った経緯や、「毎日食べても飽きない」と称される味が生まれた過程は? さらにカメラは彼が日本各地の田舎を、常連と共にめぐる週末の旅にも同行。竹の子狩りや梨農家の収穫の手伝い、自然薯掘りなど食にまつわる“収穫”はお店にも還元され……。小さなラーメン店とそこに集う人々、そして旬の食材が織りなすヒューマン&フード・ドキュメンタリー。

2021年 81分 長編ドキュメンタリー
出演 植田正基、植田和子、田中貴
監督・撮影・編集 ジョン・ダッシュバック

プロデューサー 山本航
サウンド・デザイン 原田亮太郎
サポート・エンジニア 岩波昌志



『Come Back Anytime』とのインターナショナルタイトルのもと、カナダドキュメンタリー国際映画祭(HOTDOCS)でのワールドプレミアを皮切りに、メルボルン国際映画祭、DOC NYC、デンバー映画祭、ハワイ国際映画祭、コーク国際映画祭ほか13の国・地域で31の映画祭に正式出品。4つの映画祭で5部門を受賞。


⚫︎Ramen Documentary “Come Back Anytime” Release Party for DVD/Blu-ray/Streaming on November 10 (Sunday)!
American filmmaker John Daschbach spent more than a year hanging out at his favorite Tokyo ramen shop, Bizentei to capture the intimate community created by owners Masamoto and Kazuko Ueda. The resulting documentary, Come Back Anytime was first released in Japanese theaters in March 2024 at Theater Guild Daikanyama and Theater Guild Shimokitazawa, selling out every day. Additional screenings were added in Daikanyama in April due to its popularity.

The DVD, Blu-ray, and streaming release will begin on Friday, November 29, 2024. To commemorate the release, a party will be held on Sunday, November 10 at Theater Guild Daikanyama (note: the main film will not be screened but bonus footage featured in the “Deluxe Edition” will be – with English subtitles).

The party will run from 1:00 to 9:00 PM. Advance tickets are now on sale!

⚫︎Party Ticket Prices
・Adults: ¥2,210 (includes one beverage)
・Elementary, junior high, and high school students: ¥1,410 (includes one beverage)
・Infants and toddlers (pre-school age): Free
Film participants, including Takashi Tanaka from the band Sunny Day Service,director John Daschbach, and producer Wataru Yamamoto, will be in attendance.
Special snacks prepared by ramen shop Tsuji, including chashu pork, menma, and ramen eggs, will be offered.

DVDs, Blu-rays, and streaming access will be available for purchase at the venue before their general release. Each edition includes bonus footage of Bizentei’s final days in March 2023, plus several unreleased scenes (some bonus scenes will also be screened at the event). Don’t miss this chance to grab your copy!

⚫︎Prices (tax included):
・DVD (main film + 30 minutes of bonus footage): ¥3,500
・Blu-ray (HD +5.1 surround sound version of main film + over 60 minutes of bonus footage): ¥6,500
・Streaming (main film + over 60 minutes of bonus footage): Purchase ¥2,500, Rental ¥700

⚫︎Message from Director, John Daschbach and Producer, Wataru Yamamoto
“We’re delighted that Come Back Anytime, which was made possible through the cooperation of so many people, will finally be available in Japan as a ‘Deluxe Edition’ on DVD, Blu-ray, and streaming with bonus footage. This event will serve as the grand finale for activities related to this film, and we’d love for everyone to gather together to celebrate. Think of it as a final party relocated from the now-closed Bizentei. Let’s have a great time together! Whether you’ve been to Bizentei before or not, seen the film or not, you’re very welcome to join.”

Self-taught ramen master Masamoto Ueda and his wife Kazuko ran their Tokyo ramen shop, Bizentei for more than forty years. Together with their customers, they created a welcoming place of community. On the weekends, they ventured together across the Japanese countryside, harvesting pears, bamboo shoots, and wild mountain yams. An intimate portrait of Japan’s culture of food, community, and work, COME BACK ANYTIME features gorgeous scenery, mouth-watering dishes, and a delightful cast of regular customers. It’s a heartwarming reminder of life’s simplest pleasures: a delicious meal, relaxed conversations with friends, and a special place to call one’s own.

⚫︎Come Back Anytime
2021, 81 min, Feature Documentary
Starring: Masamoto Ueda, Kazuko Ueda, Takashi Tanaka
Director, Cinematograper, Editor: John Daschbach
Producer: Wataru Yamamoto
Sound Design: Ryotaro Harada
Support Engineer: Masashi Iwanami

Official Website:

  • 空席あり
  • 残りわずか
  • 完売



  • 監督:白石晃士
  • 2024
  • 上映時間:108分
  • @シアターギルド 代官山

「You are the One~あなたこそ私の特別な人~」 ~Chapter1~『Snow White TOKYO』

  • 監督:
  • None
  • 上映時間:None分
  • @シアターギルド 代官山

【#02FATAL.FLAME】 -Raidmaids New Quest- Produced by FATAL.TOKYO

  • 監督:
  • None
  • 上映時間:None分
  • @シアターギルド 代官山